
This year started off not the best year I could’ve had. I experienced my life without my best friend, my love, my soul mate. We both went down separate paths instead of the path we should’ve taken together. We soon realized our faults and how we both were barely making it alone. Through much prayer and time alone, God helped me find my way by telling me to just breathe. I got this necklace for my love and said, “When everything around you is crashing down, when you feel alone and when life makes every obstacle more impossible than the last. Know that God will help you through it all by telling you to just breathe. It’s what calms you, fuels you, and gives you life.”
  • Tina Sebastian x The Giving Keys #Strength

    Tina Sebastian x The Giving Keys #Strength

    I have Received a Giving Key With the word STRENGTH My Story I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in January of 2018. Living with this mass on the...

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  • Abi’ x The Giving Keys #Grace

    Abi’ x The Giving Keys #Grace

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