Set the World on Fire

I didn’t want to give away my “Inspired” key, but that’s the entire purpose of the Giving Keys movement. My friend Sklar gave me the key because I inspired her (must have been my sex tape story), but she told me I couldn’t keep it. I smiled and pretended like I didn’t hear that part. I wore that key around my neck with pride and planned to keep it forever. But no, someone went ahead and inspired me on a colossal level and there was no denying her the key. Dammit.

I’ve been perplexed, trying to figure out who is worthy of the key. By the way, it’s not supposed to be a neurotic and obsessive process, it’s supposed to be organic and natural. Two things I’m just not. I’ve had my eyes wide open, searching for the next contender. But too many people inspire me. It’s a good problem to have.

First and foremost, the folks who read my blog and comment on it – do you know how much your words inspire me to want to write more? A lot. The obvious would be my friend who gave me the key before she moved to Australia to “try something different”. My family is also inspirational. For one, my parents have been married for 46 years. My younger sister and brother have found their soulmates and they each have darling rugrats who think I’m great (for now).

What about the people who quit their day job to pursue their dreams? Or the amazing friends who get up on stage and sing a song, or read a story. I know people who have finished novels. Yeah. How about my buddy who goes to Honduras to help dirt poor orphans? Then there are the folks who show up for work every grueling day AND go home to make dinner for their kids. What? I can barely fed myself, let alone a gaggle of dependents. I have friends who answer my phone calls, texts or emails and they open their hearts and love me even when I’m gross and sub-human.

But last night was an exception.

Have you been to a Moth performance? True stories told live. Pretty badass.

I watched my friend Cathy stand on a very intimidating stage at Zanzibar (terrible name, but sweet joint), in front of an audience of the coolest ass underground mutherfuckers in Los Angeles, and she told a story. Live. By heart. No notes. She stood under those bright lights and shared a piece of herself with strangers. And she was being judged. What? Exactly. Don’t judge me. She came in 2nd place. Did I mention it was her first time performing at The Moth?

Yeah, so I had no choice but to give her the “Inspired” key.

I didn’t want to give away the damn key. I wanted to remain the inspirational guru of the world. But I remembered what Sklar said when she gave me the key, “Remember you have to give it away when someone inspires you, and you’ll know when.”

So I did it, and somehow the world feels back in alignment.

For more of my mouth:

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