Getting My Father Back

It was October of 2011 when I discovered that my father was struggling with alcohol. As the single most difficult thing my younger sisters and I have ever had to endure, I'd never felt so disappointed and betrayed by the man who taught me to believe in myself, work hard for what I want, and never give up. Following an extensive stint in rehab, endless fights within my family, and a renewal in faith among us all; I now have never been so proud, or believed more, in the man who is my father. It’s great to have him back.

I like to think that I have grown up to be a pretty decent human being. I owe 50% of that to my dad. The other half I owe to my mom. She is, by far, the STRONGEST woman I will ever have the honor to know. She has shown me the true meaning of unconditional love, devotion, and strength. Through the past year, I have developed a bond with her that I never could have imagined having. I am incredibly proud to call these people my parents.

So…after discovering the gift of the Giving Keys, I have purchased two keys. One for my father with the word BELIEVE—to remind him to believe in himself, believe in the love of his family, and to believe in God; he can do anything he sets his mind to. And one for my mother with the word STRENGTH—so she can remember just how strong she really is…and how strong she has raised me and my sisters to become. These keys are reminders for them, every day, that they are amazing people, regardless of their flaws, and I couldn’t possibly love them anymore than I do today.

- Bethany

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