Strength To Get Through Heartbreak

I came across 'The Giving Key' around 4/5 months ago when I was getting over this amazing love I had and going thru the typical 20 something woes and I absolutely fell in love with the meaning behind this... I chose the word STRENGTH because often times I doubted myself and didn't know how strong I was even though my friends would tell me I am and build me back up. I chose to wear that word everyday because not matter when I doubted myself or got down I remembered that I am so much stronger than I am. I initially bought this not wanting to give it away because I loved it so much and I felt that i embodied strength everyday..That day came.. Around the time I discovered 'The Giving Keys' my dad told me that my grandmother (my stepmother's mom) was diagnosed with lung cancer and at 92 the doctor's couldn't do much to save her. Friday, January 11th, 2013 my dad called me and told me that she had passed and I absolutely lost it. She was such an amazing spirit and embodied strength and love everyday. My stepmom is the baby of the family (like me) and is so close to her mother (like me). The day of the funeral I was putting on my key and thats when it clicked, that I needed to give it to my stepmother to remind her of how strong she is and how her mother wants her to be strong for her and her family. I picked up a card and wrote what my key meant to me and what it could mean for her. I stood by her side the entire day at the funeral and held her when she cried and made sure she ate (to soak up all the liquor she was consuming after) :-) A couple days later she read the card and told me how much she loved it and she wore it today (1/22/13) when they buried my grandmother and said that it helped. I don't know if she will wear it everyday but as long as she has it and knows that she is so much stronger than she knows. Thank you to The Giving Keys for giving two gifts with such a simple word on it.

- Alexandra

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