From: Someone Who Needed Courage

For the past year I have been experiencing many struggles within my marriage.

I've been with the same man since I was 16 - we fell in love, at 26 got married a true beautiful fairy tale and I've loved him continuously and deeply daily. I honestly never thought I would be so lucky.

Now at 32, he is lost in his path, which unfortunately has also included whether he wants to be with me. I have been continuously been trying to help him through these tough times of "finding himself" but they have come at a quiet cost and I am slowly falling and not taking care of my own feelings and thoughts. I've learned that no matter how hard you love, you cannot make someone want you.

I have been slowly, through much support, been gaining awareness of what I need and the strength to try to commit to doing things I may need to do in order to continue to make me happy. I have amazing friends who have seen me struggle and cry tears of confusion and pain where I wonder how to move forward and whether I keep trying with my husband, or try to find my new path.

Yesterday, one of these friends surprised me with a Giving Key and a message "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters in comparison to what lies within us" - Emerson. She said it took her a while to decide on a quote to attach with the key and she decided to give me the key of COURAGE and this quote to allow me to reflect on the strength within me and to help me dig deeper and have the courage to make the choices that in the end will allow me to be happy. She's seen my tears and struggles and this gift I will hold dear and try to search deeper for the right answers.

I hope that once my life is back on track, I can pay it forward and allow for others who may be struggling in similar ways that I have been.

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