A Journey of Hope

A few months ago I bought a bracelet with a key that had the word HOPE on it. I've been struggling with infertility caused by PCOS. For years my husband and I have been seeing doctors and trying medications to assist us in our journey to becoming parents and we also began the process to adopting through the foster care system almost a year ago. Through all of the let downs and waiting its hard to be positive. Looking at the word Hope always gave me a little more umph to keep hope and smile that it could and will happen. A friend of mine is having the same struggle with infertility and has chosen to begin the path for her and her husband to be foster parents. As she begins this journey I thought it would be a great time to give her HOPE in the process. I think my next word will be FAITH as my HOPE has led me to my FAITH in God's plan and timing for me.
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