I first entered treatment at 16 and have been struggling with addiction/ depression since then. In the course of those years I've experienced losses like most who flirt that close with the devil, jail, ODs, hepatitis c, seizures, suicide attempts, losing a baby, ruining family ties, prostitution, losing kind, body, and soul and that's just a portion of the war I struggle with daily. I'm not new to pain, see I was built for that, up until this June it took me losing my best friend to an overdose and feeling responsible for her death did it give me the year of not life, but death. I needed so badly to LET GO. Let go of that life, let go of everything, free myself of enslavement, and just be free for once in my life. With another short brush with death I entered rehab in July and came to find the gift of desperation.
While in rehab we were to attend AA meetings, while there there was a girl about my age that shared her pain about the same disease we had as a direct result of our using, and it filled me with a hope I can't put into words. If only I could be that brave myself. Later down the road I would find myself being roommates with this girl in the transitional house I now live in and we share so many of the same demons, and I see a lot of myself in her when I was struggling with those issues in the past and I didn't believe I'd make it through.
One day while I was walking to a meeting I came across this store with the giving keys and came across LET GO and it immediately spoke to me. That's something I struggle with, letting go, and I adored the message. I wore it for awhile, and one night she was having a hard time because of peoples ignorant comments and I could feel her pain, I hope she can find if she's having a gloom day, or just feels like there's just too much going on she can look at her key, and remember the load is a lot lighter once you learn to let go.