Be Fierce to Overcome

I happened to receive my first Giving Key in a set of three. They were actually a part of the phone case that someone anonymously sent to me for Christmas a while ago, once I got a new phone I took the keys off and now wear them. The keys say Fearless, Love and Grace. When I was gifted these keys I was in a transitional period: In between jobs, just got back home from WorshipU (a music school), my friend was battling cancer and I was unsure about the direction of my life. I immediately realized and accepted the challenge when I opened up that case. This prophetic commision was to be FEARLESS in giving LOVE and walkin in GRACE, regardless of whoever was in front of me deserved it or whatever in front of me was easy. Just like I still don't know who gave me those keys, there are people we don't know who are in need of them. The world, especially right now, is need of merciful hands and kind minds. To be afraid of giving love and graces is to rob people of light and unlocking the same in them. Your love and grace has to be true and has to be fierce to overcome. I'm still learning to walk these things out, but the keys are a constant reminder of what creation is meant to be overflowing with: fearless love and grace.
  • Shelby Le Marquand x The Giving Keys #Fearless

    Shelby Le Marquand x The Giving Keys #Fearless

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    Jennifer x The Giving Keys #Trust

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