Brittney March x The Giving Keys #TheTrueGift

Brittney March x The Giving Keys #TheTrueGift

In one word, what do you think is the true gift of the holidays?

Family. As I get older I’m starting to value those precious moments with my loved ones a little more. We are starting new traditions this holiday season, and just being able to share those moments with them and make new memories is priceless. 

Why do you think human connection is so important in the world today?

Human connection is so important because we were not created to be alone. I’ve learned that I thrive more when I’m connected to others than when I’m alone. 

What word is on your key? What does it mean to you? 

“Enough”. I’ve had moments in my life where I felt like I wasn’t good enough, so I chose this word as a reminder that I am worthy of love and every good thing that comes my way.  

Tell us the story of how you have passed on your key or how you plan to pass it on. 

I haven’t passed the key on just yet, but I will when I feel led to in order to remind someone else that they are enough.

Bio: My name is Brittney! I’m a Christian content creator who decided to step out of her comfort zone and into the unknown. I share faith-based content on Instagram weekly in hopes to encourage others on their faith journey.

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