Courage for My Daughter

On April 14, 2017, two days after our daughters first birthday, my husband and I found out we were expecting our second child. Our daughters pregnancy was very rough, so we were thrilled to experience all the happy and exciting things a pregnancy has to offer. On June 12, 2017 we experienced a miscarriage. It was our worst nightmare becoming a reality.

A week after our miscarriage I received a Giving Key in the mail from my sister. I wear it to remind myself not to give up, to have COURAGE to keep going even on days that I don’t think I can. I wear it to remind myself to have COURAGE for my daughter, to not let her miss any of the amazing things this world has to offer. I wear it to remind myself not to be afraid, to keep pushing through and one day it will all be okay.

One day, when my daughter needs it, I will give her my bracelet to remind her of all she has to give the world, of all the amazing things she can do and all that she is capable of as long as she has COURAGE.


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