Joy Back In Her Heart

My dearest friend pasted away in January. He was diagnosed with cancer in early September and, as you can see, his fight was a short one. I think of him everyday, missing everything I cherished about him and the beautiful friendship we shared.

My soon to be daughter-in-law gave me the key with the word STRENGTH on at Christmas. She knew how much I needed that message, as I knew his unfortunate outcome soon would be. In addition, I was preparing to have major surgery myself. I truly embraced my word, believing I was not passing it on anytime soon.

In May 22, I received horrific news that another dear friend of mine lost her son. He battled a heroin addition for years and, at the age of 23, lost his fight. I visited with my friend that weekend, and I knew in my heart that this was the moment to pay it forward and give my key away.

What a beautiful concept, especially when you are feeling helpless for the grief or hardship one is experiencing. Offering kind words and gestures to make a person feel better and to give them a constant little reminder with the key word is so special.

I am grateful I had the chance to pay it forward, praying my friend finds STRENGTH and can someday have joy back in her heart.


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