Letting Go and Being Brave

I just want to give a shout out to one of my favorite companies. A few months ago I was dealing with some tough stuff. I purchased a LET GO necklace and BRAVE earrings. The intention is to pass along the keys to a person once you believe someone could use that word more than you. 

After the past week I have realized that right now, I need to hold onto these two things more than ever. Because I have to LET GO of my expectations of what I can do or should do. I have to LET GO of my doubts and trust that there is a plan in all of this crazy and just give it to God. Paul says that God will show us his strength in our weakness and I will count my weakness as a chance to let his strength shine. It is not always easy. 

Second, despite the initial shock and pain of the surgery and realization that I was “this close” to paralysis, I have to be brave as I take on each step, every day. I will hold onto the promises that every change from when I thought my life might look like this week or month...or year...is a chance for God to use it for his glory and to my good. So for now I am choosing to LET GO and trusting that I can be BRAVE as I heal.

I cannot express how grateful I have been for all of the prayers and thoughts and people reaching out to me in the past week. I truly am so thankful, even when it is hard! 


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