Mikayla Lynch x The Giving Keys #Be Kind

Mikayla Lynch x The Giving Keys #Be Kind

I have

Gifted a Giving Key

With the word


My Story

When I was given my key, my life was in shambles. I lost a job I had fought for over 2 years for. My year long relationship ended. I was questioning what to do with myself everyday. Through everything the person who was the most harsh on me was myself. I believed that I had failed, and wasn't sure what to do next. Two months later, I was given my key as a gift.

To me, Be Kind did not mean be kind to others. That's not something that I ever had to remember to do. Instead, it was a reminder to be kind to myself. Allow myself to struggle, make mistakes, and rebuild. Be kind when I don't achieve all of my goals, or when I lose someone that I care about. It reminded me to not judge myself against the opinions and choices of others, but instead to only compare me to myself and allow for growth.

While I haven't completely internalized this phrase, I know that it is something I will have to work on consistently long term. My life isn't figured out yet. Things are still hard. But I decided that it was time for me to pass along my key. I chose to pass my key to a good friend who had gone through different yet similar struggles as I had. Knowing how hard it is to be kind to yourself when you feel like you have lost every single important thing in your life, and you don't know what to do next.

So this morning, on my birthday, I went to breakfast with this friend. I chose my birthday to give this to her for a reason. I gain happiness through the happiness of others. She was so thankful, and loved the key so much, that she almost cried. We were able to talk through everything that has been happening to both of us, and discuss the importance of being kind to ourselves as well as to those around us.

I purchased myself a new key last week. Coincidentally, my new key, reading "faith" came today just after I gave away my "Be Kind" key. I look forward to working to internalize the message of having faith in myself, in my path, and in the future before passing on this key.

Mikayla Lynch


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