The Courage to Move Forward

I bought the Strength Giving Key to give to my best friend, who had a difficult upbringing and has worked so hard to make a different life for herself and her children. As an adult, she has endured so much loss and heartache, and yet she always finds the courage to dig deep and move forward. Tragedy always seems to wind up on her doorstep. She is the strongest person I have ever met. Ironically, the Giving Key arrived in my mailbox the day before yet another tragedy struck her family. When she called me I showed up, gave her a hug and the Giving Key. It wasn't until the day after when she read what this key is all about that she fully understood the meaning behind it. She was so appreciative and said she will cherish it. She looks forward to giving it away one day!


  • Mai Tye Martinez x The Giving Keys #Kind

    Mai Tye Martinez x The Giving Keys #Kind

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  • Mickenzie Haan x The Giving Keys #Love

    Mickenzie Haan x The Giving Keys #Love

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