Last fall, a long-time treasured friend and I took a pilgrimage to Israel with 39 other women from Kensington Church. Eleven days later, the bonds made through worship, sharing, baptism and caring were unbreakable.
Returning home, we created small groups - renamed "Life Groups"- with the intention of staying together and supporting each other's journeys in life through faith. Our ages range from barely 20 to over 60, but the diversity only enriches our experience.
The key CREATE was purchased at Smash48, a Kensington Church women's retreat that more than 1,000 women attended.
Each time our Life Group meets, the key holder passes it on to the "Israel Sister" who needs it most to help her remember that we - and Jesus - walk with her always.
No matter what her challenge is, she is empowered to CREATE a blessed reality within our family of Christ.