What I Thought Was The End Of The World

I was given a HOPE Giving Key just about a year and a half ago from one of my best friends. I was going through, what I thought was the end of the world. I was about 4 months pregnant with my first child and had found out that my husband of a year and a half, was having an affair and living a second life. He also was battling an addiction to alcohol. All I could think about was, "this is not how this is all supposed to happen" and "why is this happening to me?".

During a conversation with my best friend, she held onto how often I would say HOPE. I HOPE that he can realize what he is doing to his family - his wife and daughter. I HOPE he can get help, so that I can have my husband back. That is why she sent me a HOPE Giving Key, which I looked at just about every day. A lot went on from that time and when my daughter came into this world, along with about a year and a half later. The short of it is that I had to file for divorce and had to face that I would be a single mom, raising my little girl.

Some things in life you just can't plan, but one day you realize that it was all for the better. My HOPE changed to focusing on my daughter and hoping that I could raise her well enough on my own. Hoping that she would one day see the terror that I had to endure and that, as a strong woman, you can get through anything.

I could not have made it to today without the support and love from my family, friends and co-workers. There were days that I wanted to give up, but today I am in a much better place. My daughter, Olivia, just celebrated her 1st birthday and I look forward to seeing her grow up and mature into a special young lady. I will forever be proud to call her my daughter.

We did it!!


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